Canvas Prints

Archival canvas prints by Brilliant Prints are high-quality, long-lasting prints that are among the best in the world. Our prints are created using a fully color-managed workflow and genuine, archival-grade canvas from the USA. The canvas is a heavy-weight 450gsm and is free of artificial whiteners, offering amazing color and definition.

We use premium, double-profiled meranti hardwood frames for our prints, which are double-beveled to sit flush against the wall and won't show the outline of the timber through the front of the canvas. All of our prints come ready to hang with acid-free frame tape and gallery-quality hooks, screws, and wire.

We use genuine archival inks and our ink/canvas combination has been tested by an independent research lab to last 75 years without fading. We also offer lamination to protect your prints and ensure they last well into the future. Our prints are laminated with a coat of UV-protective, waterproof, and antifungal laminate.

Our archival canvas prints are available in any size between 8" x 10" and 1.4m x 2.4m. No upfront payment or deposit is required, and the average turnaround time is 4-5 working days. Choose Brilliant Prints for high-quality and long-lasting archival canvas prints.